About Us

A Brief History

The North Carolina State Assembly that is now forming is the result of Anna Von Reitz’s efforts to bring this country to the way things were intended to be by our Founding Fathers. They have since railroaded us into the mess that we have today. We have set up assemblies in all of the states. We are a growing number of sovereign individuals who are working together to reclaim our rights, duties, and responsibilities. We are taking back control of our country. We are filling the seats that have been left vacant for all of these years.

You can find out more about this movement and the work that Anna Von Reitz has been doing here.

Mission Statement

Our North Carolina Assembly is dedicated to the restoration of a complete and fully operational land and soil jurisdiction State, upholding the Public and Common Law of all North Carolinians.Our North Carolina Assembly is dedicated to the restoration of a complete and fully operational land and soil jurisdiction State, upholding the Public and Common Law of all North Carolinians.

Without reservation, North Carolinians shall preserve and uphold the Constitution for The United States of America, while recognizing our political status as American State Nationals, who by right of jurisdiction and accomplishment will re-populate the vacated Public Offices of our De Jure government, and the reclamation of our material and intellectual public and private assets as American State Citizens.

To these ends we, the living people of North Carolina, call upon North Carolina State Nationals to assemble and to serve in an elected capacity as Jurors and Officers of the Court, as Constables and Public Officers, as North Carolina State Citizens, upholding the peace and tranquility of North Carolinians.

Greeting, North Carolinians,

The North Carolina Assembly has produced proprietary documents to change your political status and return you to land/soil jurisdiction. These documents were created by Anna Von Reitz and are promoted exclusively by our Assembly. No other documents are acceptable.

The North Carolina Assembly does not recognize nor cooperate with the Land Recording Service (LRS), The International Notarial Witness Program, Status Select, or any other organization that promotes, sells, records, or assists in the document process for North Carolinians.

Please contact the North Carolina Assembly Coordinator for assistance in changing your political status and/or joining our assembly. All are welcome!

Coordinator - North Carolina Assembly

Disclaimer: We are engaged in the practice of self-government. Everyone here is volunteering their precious time and skill. Each one is an American with rights and prerogatives equal to your own. They are doing this work out of mutual necessity to restore the lawful American Government. Demands for service, temper tantrums, and misplaced anger are inappropriate. This country does not belong to its government. This country belongs to the people who live here. And you are one (1) of them.